Get Started With Personalized Nutrition

Your Guide to Genetics & Nutrition

Representing over 500 hours of research, the Gene Food Guide to Nutrigenomics was built to catalogue genetic markers that can be influenced by nutrition. Before building the personalized nutrition algorithm we now offer to consumers and health systems, our research team, led by geneticist Dr. Aaron Gardner compiled an exhaustive list of the scientific research in the field of nutrigenomics. Applicable genes were scored based on the state of the scientific evidence with a Science Grade and published, with citations, in the guide. Genes that had sufficient evidence were included in our algorithm and weighted based on strength of research. The guide is updated regularly as new research emerges.







Gene Normal Function SNP ID Major Allele Minor Allele
ABCA1 ABCA1 acts as a cholesterol pump, removing cholesterol from the interior of the cell. G66+1594A g a
R230C g a
ABCA6 ATP binding cassette subfamily A members such as ABCA6 are transporter proteins, which may play a role in lipid transport and homeostasis. More specifically, it is thought that these proteins may mediate the efflux (removal) of excessive cholesterol from cells [1]. A69085137G a g
ABCG8 ABCG8 is a transporter protein, controlling the absorption and excretion of cholesterol and other lipids in the gut. T322+431C c t
G55C g c
ACE ACE is an enzyme which converts the inactive protein angiotensin I into the active angiotensin II, which is key in regulating blood pressure. G2328A a g
ACYP2 ACYP2 is an enzyme which controls the movement of ions across the cell membrane, specifically muscle cells. C186-55959A c a
ADA ADA is responsible for breaking down the sleep promoting adenosine, thus promoting wakefulness. G22A g a
ADCY5 ADCY5 is an enzyme which controls cell activity in response to glucose levels.
106615T>C a g
ADH1B ADH1B variants impact the speed of alcohol metabolism. ADH1B*2 allele c t
ADIPOQ AdipoQ is expressed solely in fat tissue and is important in controlling fat metabolism. T16627C t c
ADORA2A ADORA2A is a receptor for adenosine; adenosine binds and promotes the induction of sleep. T1083C c t
ADRA2A ADRA2A is a receptor which plays an important role in regulating neurotransmitter release.
111282335T>G g t
7790A>T a t
AHCY AHCY is an enzyme which breaks down adenosylhomocysteine into adenosine and L-homocysteine, which are required for several cellular processes. G274A, G123A g a
C112T, A38T c t
A274G, I92V a g
G34290552A g a
AKT1 AKT1 is an enzyme which is responsible for ensuring the survival of neurons. G1172+23A c t
ALDH2 Aldehyde dehydrogenase is the second enzyme in the alcohol metabolism pathway, responsible for clearing alcohol from the body. G1369A g a
AOC1 AOC1 is an enzyme that breaks down histamine and other related compounds. C47T c t
C995T c t
C1933G/T c g
G1437A c a
A1975C a c
APOA2 APOA2 is the second most abundant protein found in high-density lipoprotein particles. 4736C>T a g
APOB APOB is the main apolipoprotein found in low density lipoproteins, important for carrying dietary lipids through the blood. C21063185T c t
G_21044589_A g a
APOC3 Elevated APOC3 levels are associated with increased levels of VLDL and chylomicrons, which are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. 40G>C c g
APOE APOE is an apolipoprotein with a major role in transporting cholesterol in the brain. C526CT c t
T388C t c
ARG1 ARG1 is an enzyme which forms part of the urea cycle, clearing the body of harmful ammonia based products. T32C t c
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