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Your Guide to Genetics & Nutrition

Representing over 500 hours of research, the Gene Food Guide to Nutrigenomics was built to catalogue genetic markers that can be influenced by nutrition. Before building the personalized nutrition algorithm we now offer to consumers and health systems, our research team, led by geneticist Dr. Aaron Gardner compiled an exhaustive list of the scientific research in the field of nutrigenomics. Applicable genes were scored based on the state of the scientific evidence with a Science Grade and published, with citations, in the guide. Genes that had sufficient evidence were included in our algorithm and weighted based on strength of research. The guide is updated regularly as new research emerges.







Gene Normal Function SNP ID Major Allele Minor Allele
ATP13A1 Removal of mistargeted mitochondrial proteins from other parts of the cell.
T73020301C c t
ATP2B1 ATP2B1 is membrane protein which plays an important role in maintaining the cellular calcium balance. n/a a g
BCO1 BCO1 is an enzyme which breaks down beta-carotene into retinal, a form of vitamin A. A801T, R267S a t
C1136T, A379V c t
BHMT BHMT is an enzyme which converts homocysteine into methionine using betaine as a methyl donor. G716A g a
BTBD9 BTBD9 plays a role in protein-protein interaction and effects various cellular functions.
g.38440970A>G a g
CBS CBS is an enzyme which converts homocysteine into cystathionine, the first step of the transsulfuration pathway. C1080T / A360A c t
C1039+530T c t
C699T g a
G1330A g a
T833C t c
T43067923C c t
CELSR2 CELSR2 is a protein important in cell to cell communication. C109275908T t c
CETP CETP is an enzyme involved in the metabolism of lipoproteins. A1376G a g
COMT COMT is an enzyme which inactivates important neurotransmitters such as dopamine and epinephrine. G472A, Val158Met g a
C186T c t
CPS1 CPS1 is a mitochondrial enzyme involved in the metabolism of proteins and ammonia. C4235A, T1405N c a
CTH CTH is an enzyme which converts cystathionine into cysteine, the second step of the transsulfuration pathway. G1208T g t
CYP1A2 Responsible for metabolism of drugs and the synthesis of steroids and cholesterol. P450 1A2 a c
CYP24A1 CYP24A1 is an enzyme which converts the active form of vitamin D3 into an inactive form. C552T g a
T1236+198C a g
G-1400A c t
CYP2R1 CYP2R1 is an enzyme expressed in the liver that converts dietary vitamin D into a form which can be transported around the body. T-1127C g a
A226-2810C t g
T-1559C g a
DHCR7 The DHCR7 gene encodes the enzyme 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase, which is essential for the production of cholesterol. IVS8-1G>C c g
278C>T g a
452G>A c t
DOCK7 DOCK7 is a protein which is important in the formation and maintenance of neurons. T40844G t g
DPEP1 Different SNPs linked with this gene have been associated with levels of various metabolites, importantly, including homocysteine, as well as a number of other conditions. G89641688A g a
DRD2 DRD2 is the major dopamine receptor in the brain. C957T c t
F8 F8 is an essential blood clotting protein. A5219+7398G g a
FADS1 FADS1 is an enzyme which desaturates fatty acids by introducing double bonds, an important step in the metabolism of polyunsaturated fats. T61803311C t c
A61830500G a g
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