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Valter Longo would be proud

You can find the Trainer diet type at the track, organic trail mix in their backpack, wild salmon in the freezer at home and all their produce waiting to be picked up from the local farmer’s market. Want to know what you won’t find on the Trainer menu? Lots of beef, MCT Oil, butter coffee, or bacon. Trainers are fat burning machines, but they run only on premium omega-3 fats, their high powered engines tend to run less efficiently on high amounts of saturated fats. 

As a general rule, Trainers want to eat saturated fat only when it comes from a whole food source that also contains another healthy fat alongside. So, for example, fatty beef is generally a no no, however avocado, also a source of saturated fat, can be on the menu as it also contains high doses of monounsaturated fats. Trainers might be at a greater risk for cardiovascular disease with high saturated fat diets. 

Trainers have strong carbohydrate clearance, and can quickly burn up the grains they eat as fuel for their endurance feats, however, issues with histamine are possible. This means food freshness is paramount and meal prep services and leftovers aren’t the right play for Trainers. Beer, wine, aged cheese and fermented foods are better reserved as occasional treats, or avoided altogether.

What is the scientific basis for this diet? The macronutrient ratios for the trainer diet at 35% healthy fats, 45% complex carbohydrates, and 20% protein primarily from wild fish and plant sources fits squarely within the ranges recommended by the United States Dietary Guidelines. For more on the science behind nutrigenomics, see our science page

For en excellent paper on histamine and histamine intolerance, see this article from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Most closely related diet: Lean Machine

Primary difference with Lean Machine: Histamine. Lean Machine dieters won’t have the same predisposition to histamine overload as do Trainers, however, Trainers are more likely to be able to handle some dairy, so it’s a trade off.  

Biggest challenge: Trainers can evaluate protein based on its omega-3 count. The more omega-3 in a protein source, the more likely it suits them. However, the big challenge is keeping saturated fat intake at a level where it doesn’t blow out their heart health numbers like LDL-P. The key challenge for Trainers is to limit saturated fat while realizing that they are able to handle it in small doses just fine.

Red meat friendly? Nope. Not on a regular basis.

Keto friendly: Traditional keto diets are out of bounds for Trainers. A plant based ketogenic diet high in monounsaturated fats is a possibility.

Carnivore diet friendly? Nope. 

Does this diet type handle fermented foods? In moderation.

What about pancakes and refined grains: As a general rule, refined grain products, especially those that have added sugar and oils are not good for any diet type. Having said that, Mosaic diet types should be able to get away with a few more pancake breakfasts than most without increasing their risk for type 2 diabetes. 

Go to breakfast: Oats topped with almonds and a banana

Is Trainer your Diet Type?

Gene Food uses a proprietary algorithm to divide people into one of twenty diet types based on genetics. We score for fat metabolism, histamine clearance, carbohydrate tolerance, and more. Where do you fit?

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